MASTI CARE COMPOSITION: Apis mellifica 200, Bryonia alba 200, Chamomilla 200, Ipecacuanha 200, Phytolacca 200, Urtica urens 200.
FIBRO CARE COMPOSITION: Aurum mur. natronatum 30, Hydrastis canadensis 200, Silicea 1M, Conium maculatum 1M.
MASTI & FIBRO CARE INDICATIONS: For acute and chronic mastitis when teat is hard as a stone, teats are shrunk with fibroids, and in teat cracks.
DOSAGE: 15-20 drops 3 times a day.
Manufacturer By
Bakson Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Village Chouli Shahbuddinpur, Pargana Bhagwanpur, Teh. Roorkee-247 667, Distt. Haridwar (U.K.)
Customer Care Executive – 18002572829
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Made In India
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