Masti Aid Plus
SKU: FGMS100044 Categories: ,

Masti Aid Plus



For mastitis & Teat Fibrosis

MASTI CARE: Mastitis, or inflammation of the mammary gland of cattle, is predominantly caused by bacterial pathogens and occasionally by mycotic or algal microbes.

The clear sign of mastitis is inflammation of the udder that turns into a red and hard mass. The swollen mammary gland is hot and mere touching causes pain and discomfort to the animal. Animals do not allow touching of the udder and even kick to prevent milking. If still milked the milk is usually tainted with blood clots and foul smelling brown discharge. Other symptoms are lack of appetite, restricted mobility due to pain, diarrhea, and weight loss.

FIBRO CARE: Teat fibrosis is a hard, fibrous swelling of the mammary glands of cattle, which is a sequel to the mastitis stage. Mastitis, when not treated successfully or left without care will progress to fibrosis. Fibrous tissues form a circle around the infected area to prevent the spread of infection to the healthy part. Fibrous tissues grow and take the place of infected and damaged soft mammary tissues. This hard circling of fibrous tissue gives it indurated appearance in the udder.

The common symptoms of fibrosis of the udder are pain in the teat, difficulty in milking, loss of milk production, atrophy of the mammary gland, etc.  Homoeopathic veterinary medicines are beneficial in cases of teat fibrosis, as they treat the animal internally.

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SKU: FGMS100044 Categories: ,


MASTI CARE COMPOSITION: Apis mellifica 200, Bryonia alba 200, Chamomilla 200, Ipecacuanha 200, Phytolacca 200, Urtica urens 200.

FIBRO CARE COMPOSITION: Aurum mur. natronatum 30, Hydrastis canadensis 200, Silicea 1M, Conium maculatum 1M.

MASTI & FIBRO CARE INDICATIONS: For acute and chronic mastitis when teat is hard as a stone, teats are shrunk with fibroids, and in teat cracks.

DOSAGE: 15-20 drops 3 times a day.

Manufacturer By
Bakson Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Village Chouli Shahbuddinpur, Pargana Bhagwanpur, Teh. Roorkee-247 667, Distt. Haridwar (U.K.)
Customer Care Executive – 18002572829
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Made In India


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