Ferrum Plus Syrup
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Ferrum Plus Syrup


Animals can develop iron deficiency due to trauma, parasite infestation and chronic blood loss. Iron deficiency, which begins gradually, ends up with anemia producing symptoms of fatigue, weight loss, pale skin, palpitation and even breathlessness in animals. Nursing animals are particularly prone to developing iron deficiency anemia due to lower body iron stores, larger requirements, and decreased intake from a milk-based diet.

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COMPOSITION: Ferrum lacticum 1x, Ammonium aceticum 1x, Natrum phosphoricum 1x, Kali phosphoricum 1x, Acidum citricum 1x, Acidum phosphoricum 1x

INDICATIONS: For anemia due to acute or chronic blood loss, parasite infestation and improper absorption of iron from food. It helps improve appetite and immunity, normalizes haemoglobin & builds up iron stores.

DOSAGE: Large Animals- Two teaspoons (10ml) 2-3 times a day.

Small Animals- One teaspoon (5ml) 2-3 times a day.

Poultry: Chicks- 5ml per 100 birds, once daily.

Layer/Broiler- 10-15 ml per 100 birds, once daily.

PRESENTATION: 200ml, 450ml

Manufacturer By
Bakson Drugs & Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.
Village Chouli Shahbuddinpur, Pargana Bhagwanpur, Teh. Roorkee-247 667, Distt. Haridwar (U.K.)
Customer Care Executive – 18002572829
Email – customercare@baksonveterinary.com

Made In India

Additional information

Pack Size

200 ML, 450 ML


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