Yes, you read that right. Homoeopathy works for Animals as effectively as it does for Humans.
Homoeopathy is a holistic treatment system based on ‘like cures like’, or that a substance that is capable, in toxic doses, of producing a set of symptoms is also capable, in much lower doses, of curing the same set of symptoms regardless of their perceived cause. Homoeopathy uses the principle of the “minimum dose.” When we talk about Homoeopathy for animals, the remedies are made from natural substances such as plants and minerals that are highly diluted (potentized) and shaken (succussed), which eliminates any toxic effects of the natural substance which cooperates with your pet’s natural immune system.
Homoeopathy is rapidly growing in popularity because of its safety and effectiveness for both prevention and treatment. At correct potencies, it is gentle enough for use in small puppies, kittens, and large animals. Combination remedies can be an economical and effective way to help our companions heal from periodic injuries or a wide variety of conditions or illnesses. The best part about Homoeopathy is that it doesn’t produce any allergic reactions and is safe in the long run.
Come let’s treat your pets safely, effectively, and homoeopathically with Bakson Veterinary.